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Betta Proot

6 ratings

Betta Proot

6 ratings


You can now purchase this product over here:

It is currently not possible to transfer licenses between Gumroad and Jinxxy. I will send out an update when this feature is available. If you already purchased this product on Gumroad, I will continue to update the files on here.

Proots are a unique form of Protogen, most recognizable by their short stature, lack of arms, and ... gremlin energy. However, only recently did we discover the origins of their unbridled impish nature. Hidden behind that otherwise opaque mask resides a single, undeterrable, Betta Fish.

Based on a sub-species of protogen by FelisRandomis .

As a means to take a short break from the AvaTAUR project, I decided to make something silly and fun. I've learned a lot from optimizing the AvaTAUR and applied the best of what I know here. I hope you all enjoy these little imps!

PROOTS - What You Need to Know

Usable as a Follower | MMD Ready | RGB Slider | 250+ Animations | Only FOUR animation layers | 5 Different Masks | 8 Earpiece Logos | FBT Compatible

This avatar comes in two different packages, one for use as a primary avatar and another as a follower. In the main version, there is a Folder for "ADDONS" where you can configure the balance between performance and features. The base version is ranked "Good" on PC and "Poor" on QUEST.

Extra Ears

308 Polygons | 1 Physbone Component | 9 Physbones

By default the avatar only has 1 set of ears, but you can add a second set. On both PC and quest, this will not change the performance rank.

Paw / Ghost Hands

12,136 Polygons | 1 to 2 Materials | 0 to 34 Constraints

If you would like to see your hands, add ONE of the "Ghost Hands" or "Paw Hands". The ones marked as "Scaleable" have constraints setup so you can make them bigger or smaller. The Ghost version adds an extra material to handle the transparency.

The non-scaling version will work on QUEST.


3,590 Polygons | 1 Particle System | 30 Max Particles | 1 Material | 1 Constraint | 6 Physbone Components | 47 Physbones

Your true form revealed! This feature adds a toggle to reveal the inside of your mask and show the Betta Fish inside. The mouth of the Fish will follow your voice.

By removing the particles, this will work on QUEST.

Body Expanded

3,984 Polygons | 2 Physbone Components | 14 Physbones | 1 Material | 4 Contacts

This feature adds better mask shines, intractable toes, better eye movement, and earpiece logos.

This option is QUEST compatible.

Mask with Lid

1,310 Polygons | 1 Physbone Component | 2 Physbones | 1 Particle System | 900 Max Particles | 3 Contacts | 3 Sounds

This option adds a transparent mask with a lid. Here you can make Popcorn for your friends or lull them to sleep by singing as an Otamatone. The Otamatone feature is completely functional as a real Otamatone and is playable by yourself or others. You can also replace your own voice with Otamatone sounds that will reflect a pitch and volume based on your real voice. While in this mode, only other Betta Proots will be able to understand you normally.

This option is NOT QUEST Compatible.

However, this is a convenient place to add ANYTHING you want to the avatar! I've got a lot of wild ideas of adding a cockpit so someone can pilot you from inside or turn the head into a toaster so you can shoot toast at your friends! I can't wait to see what the community comes up with!

PC Features

6 Constraints | 1 Physbone Component | 2 Physbones | 1 Seat | 2 Sounds | 1 Contact | 1 Collider | 4 IK Components

This feature adds all of the functionality specific to PC users. The IK components will allow for better movement of the legs, the flying collider will allow you to fly up to high places, and the sounds will enhance the experience of changing masks. This is NOT QUEST compatible.

Feature Summary

When all possible features are enabled, the avatar will rank as "Medium".


19,682 Polygons | 6 Physbone Components | 58 Phybones | 73 Bones | 3 Materials | 1 Animation Layer

The base version of this avatar can be added to ANY avatar by adding the "Follower" prefab. By default, there will be 4 of them and they can make various formations around you. They can also be picked up by anyone, when dropped, they will walk back into formation.

The follower version is a copy of the full version of this avatar, just shrunk down, so it can still have all the same functionality as the full avatar! Currently it is setup to simply walk around and follow you, but it would be easy enough to attach the aquarium or popcorn maker to this version as well. If you would like more information on this, please join our Discord!

We're Here for You!

If you happen to find yourself tumbling in the unity washer, just let us know! We're happy to help get you dried off and back on your little feet!

Join the Virtual Limbs Discord for community events, showcase, and support!


All future updates on this model will be included in this single purchase.

Known Issues:

  • The fur underneath the mask clips through sometimes, especially when in full body. Currently this is an unavoidable side effect of how the avatar was setup, but we have done a lot work to make this happen as little as possible.

How to Proot

  1. Download the Final IK Stub from VRLabs. (If you have already purchased Final IK, skip this step.)
  2. Download the Poiyomi shader. (Optional, but you will need to configure you own shaders later.)
  3. Follow these instructions from VRChat on how to setup a new project via the Creator Companion.
  4. Make sure "Gesture Manager" and "Avatars Manager" are also installed in the project via the "Manage Packages" option.
  5. Open the Project
  6. Drag the "Poiyomi" unitypackage into unity and click import.
  7. Drag the "Final IK Stub" unitypackage into unity and click import.
  8. Drag the "Proot Follower" unitypackage into unity and click import.
  9. Drag the "Betta Proot" unitypackage into unity and click import.
  10. Navigate to "Proot / Betta Proot / Scenes START HERE" and open "Betta_Proot_000".
  11. At the top, select "VRChat SDK > Show Control Panel" and then login.
  12. Click on the "Builder" tab , enter a name, and then "Build and Publish".

Note: If you are just using the "Final IK Stub" from VRLabs and not the full package, the avatar will not preview well in unity. You will need to upload in order to see it actually moving correctly.

  • Drag features between the "PLACE ADDONS HERE" and "UNUSED ADDONS" to add or remove features and change performance levels.
  • If anything is showing as PINK, please make sure to import the newest version of Poiyomi.
  • Feel free to adjust any blendshapes on the "Body" object listed under "CUSTOMIZATION".
  • Check the "TEMPLATES" folder for alternate fur patterns and materials.
  • If you would like to put something inside the Lid, place your custom mesh inside the "Mask_with_Lid / Constraints / Mask" object.
  • If you would like a custom fish, place your custom mesh inside the "Aquarium / Constraints / Mask" object.

Proot Followers

  1. Drag the "FOLLOWERS" object into the scene and into your avatar.
  2. Merge the "Follower Parameters" and "ProotFollower_FX" into your avatar using the VRLabs AV3Manager.
  3. If you want to use the formations, link the "Followers Menu" to one of your existing avatar menus.
  4. If you would like them to follow a bit better in full body, drag your "Hips" object into the rotation constraint on "Formation" and click "Activate".

  • Feel free to customize your followers however you would like. All blendshapes will stay when uploaded.
  • If you would like to remove a follower, unpack the "Followers" prefab and then delete the "Follower" and "Proot" objects under "Formation" and "World Constraint".

Terms of Use

These assets are provided on a royalty-free basis for personal use while adhering to the following restrictions.

  1. You may not sell, share, or redistribute these assets, even if modified or in parts.
  2. You may upload these assets to a virtual game platform or simulation (such as VRChat) so long as all assets are unable to be downloaded under normal means.
  3. You may not sell 3D prints of these assets.
  4. Group purchases are not available for these assets. Each user must purchase these assets themself.
  5. You must acknowledge the original author of these assets in all verbal and written communication.
  6. You are not permitted to remove any built in copyright information in the assets.
  7. If these assets or any derivatives are displayed publicly, (Streaming, Social Media, Advertisements, ect), you must credit the original author of these assets.
  8. You may not use these assets for any harassment, pornographic, obscene, or racist purpose.
  9. You may not use these assets for the promotion of any alcoholic beverages, tobacco, gambling, or unlawful activities.

These assets are non-refundable and provided "as is" with no warranty or guarantee that it will fill a specific purpose.

The owner of these assets is permitted to update these terms of service or to terminate the use of these assets at any time.


VRLabs -

  • Final IK Stub
  • World Constraint

Special thanks to these Amazing Beans!

TheCatnamedFish - For the original idea and her work on the textures and troubleshooting.

♡ Salem, Impish, and Vawkis - For helping with the photoshoot session.

Ahzealion - For help with troubleshooting.

FelisRandomis - For the design and inspiration.

Tenshio Luma - For the song in the demo video!

And to all the little Proots out there!

This product is not currently for sale.

-- Includes --

Substance Painter
CandyCorn Themed Textures
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